Why Are My IPs registered to UMA or Unmis?


I'm often asked if there are any legal reasons to choose a direct ddrhost server as opposed to one of the many shared web hosting providers. The simple answer to this is that there are no restrictions or licenses that govern using a direct ddrhost server, just like any other type of website hosting. As long as you don't plan on selling or advertising products on your website using ddrhost, you're perfectly within your rights to do so. This article will briefly discuss how ddrhost works and whether or not it's legal to use one of their services for your own personal website.

A traditional ISP such as Time Warner or D-line might prohibit you from using their services for your personal website or in order to do business on the Internet. However, ddrhost is a completely open source solution that allows anyone to use the software for personal website purposes as well as for business websites. So the answer really is, yes, it's perfectly legal to utilize it as a DNS host on your computer.

When I started my first small business website in Costa Rica, I was pretty much brand new to the game. I had very little technical knowledge and very little understanding of the inner workings of the Internet. I quickly discovered that while my IP address was registered to Time Warner, my host name was registered to a company in India. Because I didn't know or care that Time Warner owns the IP address, I thought that I was doing my business right by connecting to a domain name that was registered to a company in India.

At the time, I was working with an acquaintance in the field of web design. We quickly discovered that the only way to get our site to rank properly on the major search engines was to register both our IP addresses and our name. That way, whenever somebody performed an Internet search using our words, we showed up right in their results. That way, the entire thing became automated, and our drmhost did the rest.

The other day, I was talking to a fellow webmaster who has also his own domains. He's managed to build quite a sizeable Internet marketing business using DRH Hosting. And he likes what he's done. Recently he sent me this e-mail:

"Ddrhost has been a godsend for me. It's made it a lot easier to set up and keep up a website with limited technical knowledge. It also makes it a lot easier to deal with customer support. And the thing that's great is that my IP's are registered to UMA or Unmis, which means that my clients don't have to go through any sort of special "double-check" process when it comes to choosing a registrar. "

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